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Search Engine Optimization –SEO

Ever conducted an online search?  If so, did you look past the first page of results?

Studies indicate that fewer than 8% go beyond the first page.

You want to be on the first page.  Our search engine optimization (SEO) program aims to achieve that.  Set up an appointment to discuss SEO with WSI Vital Marketing.

Here’s a snapshot of daily statistics:

Daily Searches 8.7 billion queries
Google search market share 90%
Click through Rate (CTR) for organic listings 60 – 70%
CTR for Paid Ads 10 – 15%
CTR for Maps / Local Pack 10 – 15%
CTR for page 2 results and beyond 6%
Zero click searches ~50%
All other, including “re”-search (again), abandon ~2%

The search engine result page (SERP) data summarized above varies according to source, but is in this range across most studies. One takeaway is: second page or lower gets little to no organic traffic.  Another point is that organic results get the majority of clicks despite being below paid ads and maps on s SERP. 

“Your goal with SEO should be to rank for search phrases that are relevant and searched often.  Optimum position is on the first page, top six results.  The goal of a website is not to trick search engines, but to help them understand what your site is about and properly categorize it.”

Keywords are terms that describe the service you provide, such as “dental assistant certification” for a trade school offering that program.  We optimize our client’s content so that it is properly indexed and ranks for relevant keywords.


The image below is actual data from one of our clients. 



In August 2018, this forty-five year old repair shop generated 500 organic visitors per month related to its business name (brand).  Four and a half years later, this site routinely attracts 10,000+ monthly organic visitors from prospects looking for solutions (discovery) such as “oil change near me” or “New York State inspection.”


August 2018 500 organic visitors per month, 98% branded terms
December 2022 10,000+ organic visitors per month, 85% discover terms


A second case study is our work with a thirty-five year old moving company.  Within six months of relaunching their website and performing on-page and off-page activities, we earned a # 6 ranking for a keyword with high commercial intent that generated about one hundred high quality, high conversion prospects already inclined to purchase their service due to relevancy.


Again, the above table is actual data of client results from our efforts.

In other words, both of these SMBs (small to medium sized businesses) had been around for 4 decades due to their excellent customer service.  Historically, most of their business was from referral or repeat customers – or clients who knew them.  Now, an increasing number of their new business comes from customers who never heard of them, but have a problem that could be solved by their services.


Since some of Google’s metrics are based on user experience over time, it takes time to move up the rankings – measured usually in months not days.  Few web pages are instantly viral. With a well implemented SEO strategy, your keyword rankings should improve.

Investing in pay-per-click advertising induces a quicker traffic spike,  but you continuously pay for that.  It may take months for your content to rank organically, but once achieved, you’ll benefit from “free traffic” for months, if not years.

Of course, click quantity does not predict buyer’s intent or conversion rate.  “Winning” the click from an unqualified prospect or providing a poor landing page experience for a good prospect, does not benefit your business.

But here is why SEO is so valuable: at the time an individual conducts a Google search, there is a high degree of intent.  Most people doing a search for “24-hour plumber” probably came home to a flooded basement or a frozen pipe and need help imminently.  So, if you are a plumber and your site is optimized for this search, your content could be revealed during this search.  As a result, your “right message” (which lives 24/7 on your site) is in front of the “right person” (who wants their plumbing problem solved) at the “right time” (now).  This is the marketing trifecta.


In addition to the potential of generating a high quantity of high-quality traffic, SEO services have intrinsic value insofar as it offers clarity to your services in the language your prospects speak (questions semantically related to relevant keywords). Finally, ranking organically is an implicit endorsement from Google about the quality of your site’s content.  In other words, there is little downside from investing in SEO.  Schedule an appointment or call us on (914) 348-9464 so we can help you understand how your site performs organically and what might be the upside to your company from improving the digital visibility of your services.

To find out more about WSI’s digital solutions

CALL 914 348 9464